macOS Catalina Known Issues


Apple introduced a bug in 10.15.5 that prevents the creation of firmlinks

The chflags system call no longer works correctly on 10.15.5 with regard to setting the special "firmlink" flag that establishes links between the System and Data volume group members. If you're establishing a new backup of macOS 10.15.5 or later, CCC 5.1.17 (and earlier) will be unable to create a correctly-functioning APFS volume group. Many folders on the destination volume will appear empty, and the volume will not be bootable.

Why does Finder prevent me from viewing the home folder on my backup when it's attached to another Mac?


Update November 2020: Apple has resolved this Finder bug in macOS Big Sur.

CCC meldet, das Ziel sei voll. Wie lässt sich dies vermeiden?


In CCC ist standardmäßig ein Grenzwert für die SafetyNet Bereinigung vorgegeben, der zu Beginn jedes Backups 25 GB freien Festplattenspeicherplatz auf dem Ziel vorsieht. CCC erhöht diesen Grenzwert ggf. automatisch. Wenn Sie nicht die Standardeinstellungen des CCC SafetyNet verwenden und die Fehlermeldung „Nicht genügend Speicherplatz auf dem Ziel“ erhalten, könnte es notwendig sein, in den erweiterten Einstellungen einen liberaleren Grenzwert für das Bereinigen von Archiven einzustellen.

Troubleshooting slow performance when copying files to or from a network volume


Network performance is usually the bottleneck of a backup task that copies files to or from a network volume, but there are several other factors that can affect performance as well. Here are some suggestions for improving the performance of your NAS-based backups.

Why can't I eject the destination volume after the backup task has completed?


The disk Backup wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it.

Occasionally this annoying message comes up when you're trying to eject your destination volume. If CCC is currently using that volume as a source or destination to a running backup task, then CCC will effectively prevent the volume from being unmounted gracefully. If your backup task isn't running, though, CCC isn't preventing the volume from being unmounted. But what application is?

Nach welchen Kriterien bestimmt CCC, ob eine Datei kopiert werden soll?


CCC kopiert nur diejenigen Elemente, die sich auf Quelle und Ziel unterscheiden. Wenn Sie also ein Backup abschließen und am nächsten Tag erneut ausführen, kopiert CCC nur die Dateien, die sich seit dem letzten Backup geändert haben. CCC erkennt Änderungen an Dateien anhand der Größe des Änderungsdatums. Sind Dateigröße oder Änderungsdatum auf Quelle und Ziel unterschiedlich, kopiert CCC diese Datei auf das Ziel.

"The task was aborted because a subtask did not complete in a reasonable amount of time"


Occasionally a backup task can stall if the source or destination stops responding. To avoid waiting indefinitely for a filesystem to start responding again, Carbon Copy Cloner has a "watchdog" mechanism that it uses to determine if its file copying utility has encountered such a stall. By default, CCC imposes a ten minute timeout on this utility. If ten minutes pass without hearing from the file copying utility, CCC will collect some diagnostics information, then stop the backup task. Our support team can analyze this diagnostic information to determine what led to the stall.

Das Carbon Copy Cloner Programm fehlt!


Dieser Artikel ist nur dann für Sie relevant, wenn Sie vom CCC Hilfsprogramm automatisch zu diesem geleitet wurden. Sollten Sie in der normalen CCC Hilfe auf diesen Artikel gestoßen sein, sind die unten beschriebenen Szenarios sehr wahrscheinlich nicht interessant für Sie.

Where can I find CCC's log file?


It is our aim to have the Task History window provide the user with enough information to find and troubleshoot any problems they're having with their backup tasks. For debugging and support purposes, however, CCC logs its activity in the following files:

Launchpad ignores settings created while booted from another volume


If you have assembled a custom arrangement of your application icons in the Launchpad application, you will discover that that arrangement is lost when booted from your backup volume. When you see this happen, you would naturally think, "Why didn't CCC copy the Launchpad settings?" In fact, though, CCC is faithfully copying the Launchpad settings. Here we'll show you how you can verify that, and also why the settings don't work while booted from your backup volume.