Problem CCC and F-Secure 2011 virusscanner
Oct 31, 2011 @ 6:23 pm
F-Secure and CCC get into each others hair. I also mailed F-secure about the problem. Cloning is very slow and the console display a lot of errors:
31-10-11 19:02:03,988 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31
19:02:03: Failed to scan file
Scan timeout.
31-10-11 19:02:03,988 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:02:03:
Error while scanning
(id=0x5166ac): Scan task timeout.
31-10-11 19:03:00,293 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:00:
Failed to scan file /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_23.bpchat.MqdHMR: Could not open the file [ArchiveScanner].
31-10-11 19:03:00,293 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:00:
Error while scanning /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_23.bpchat.MqdHMR (id=0x51750a): Could not open the file
31-10-11 19:03:04,299 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:04:
Failed to scan file /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_23.bpchat.MqdHMR: Could not open the file [ArchiveScanner].
31-10-11 19:03:04,299 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:04:
Error while scanning /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_23.bpchat.MqdHMR (id=0x51755a): Could not open the file
31-10-11 19:03:06,302 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:06:
Failed to scan file /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_52.bpchat.ymXSck: Could not open the file [ArchiveScanner].
31-10-11 19:03:06,302 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:06:
Error while scanning /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_52.bpchat.ymXSck (id=0x51759b): Could not open the file
31-10-11 19:03:10,308 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:10:
Failed to scan file /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_52.bpchat.ymXSck: Could not open the file [ArchiveScanner].
31-10-11 19:03:10,308 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:10:
Error while scanning /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
13_52.bpchat.ymXSck (id=0x5175de): Could not open the file
31-10-11 19:03:10,308 com.f-secure.fsavd: Mon 2011/10/31 19:03:10:
Failed to scan file /Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS
Chat Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
14_17.bpchat.eq9OjI: Could not open the file [ArchiveScanner].
31-10-11 19:00:59,000 kernel: fsauth: timed out waiting for
request 51750a (type = 4, pid = 40198, uid = 0, file =
/Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS Chat
Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
31-10-11 19:01:00,000 kernel: fsauth: timed out waiting for request
51755a (type = 4, pid = 40198, uid = 0, file =
/Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS Chat
Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
31-10-11 19:01:01,000 kernel: fsauth: timed out waiting for request
51759b (type = 4, pid = 40198, uid = 0, file =
/Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS Chat
Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
31-10-11 19:01:02,000 kernel: fsauth: timed out waiting for request
5175de (type = 4, pid = 40198, uid = 0, file =
/Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS Chat
Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
31-10-11 19:01:03,000 kernel: fsauth: timed out waiting for request
517605 (type = 4, pid = 40198, uid = 0, file =
/Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS Chat
Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
31-10-11 19:01:04,000 kernel: fsauth: timed out waiting for request
517649 (type = 4, pid = 40198, uid = 0, file =
/Volumes/Naamloos/Users/joeuser/Documents/SMS Chat
Logs.localized/.Chat met Another Person op 2011-10-27 om
I'm sure it a a problem caused by F-secure, but I just wanted to give you some feedback.
Thx for making a great utility.
CCC Report ID: 6545
Hi D:
Sorry for the delay, some early winter weather has left me without electricity and crummy Internet access...
And thanks for the feedback. Several anti-virus applications get riled up by backup software and can't handle the massive number of new files being created. I comment on this here in the documentation:
Antivirus software may interfere with a backup
I'll add a note about F-Secure.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply. No delay noticed, you’re much faster than most developers. I thought you might have a use for some info regarding F-Secure. It sounds rather unbelievable but there is no option to turn it off or disable it once installed. That is not a bug, it is a feature. After some search I found this message on a forum, from F-Secure support. Perhaps you can use it to help others with the CCC F-Secure conflict. I used this suggestion and after disabling F-Secure CCC finished it’s backup without any problems. Turning F-Secure back on worked fine, so these commands are a useful workaround.
Best regards,
There is no supported way of disabling the real-time scanning in Mac Protection. We try to make it fast and reliable enough so that most users won't have a reason to disable it. Therefore, we are very interested in hearing what problems you were encountering and more details on why you wanted to disable the real-time scanning.
All that said, you can still go "under the hood" and disable the the real-time scanning, by opening the Terminal application. There, you type in the following (you need to be administrator user to do this) at the prompt that ends with "$":
sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.f-secure.fsavd.plist
It will ask you for your password and then return you to the prompt. The product user interface will say "Your computer is not protected - There's a problem with real-time scanning" as an indication that you have disabled the scanner. To re-enable the real-time scanning, enter the following into the Terminal:
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.f-secure.fsavd.plist
After this, the user interface should after a short while again display the text "Your computer is protected". Also, re-installing or upgrading the product will re-enable the real-time scanning.
And as I said, this is not really a supported way of doing this, and the details may change at any time, but it should work for the moment at least.
Hope this helps!
Op 2 nov. 2011, om 22:23 heeft Mike Bombich het volgende geschreven:
PLEASE REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE Any part of your response that is below this line will be discarded
That's very helpful! Can I make this discussion public? I'm happy to anonymize the error messages above if you would like me to do that first.
Hi Mike,
yes, if you indeed would like to anonymize it for me :)
My pleasure,
Op 3 nov. 2011, om 17:45 heeft Mike Bombich het volgende geschreven:
PLEASE REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE Any part of your response that is below this line will be discarded